31 January 2022 to 4 February 2022
ECT* Trento
Europe/Zurich timezone

The "alphas-2022: Workshop on precision measurements of the strong coupling constant" conference, will be held at ECT*-Trento in the first week of February 2022, aims at exploring in depth the current status and upcoming prospects in the determination of the QCD coupling constant $\alpha_S(m_Z)$ from the key observables where high-precision experimental measurements and theoretical calculations are (or will be) available: (i) lattice QCD, (ii) hadronic decays of tau leptons, (iii) deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering and global parton densities analyses, (iv) QCD corrections to electroweak precision observables, and analysis of (v) hadronic final states in high energy particle collisions ($e^+e^-$, ep, and pp). This workshop is a follow-up of similar alpha_s meetings that took place in 2011 (MPI, Munich), 2015 (CERN), and 2019 (ECT*-Trento).

The main outcome of the meeting will be an "alpha_S Snowmass White Paper (2022)" writeup to be publicly submitted in 15th March 2022. All contributors will be therefore asked to provide a 1-2 pages summary of their work at the end of the workshop.


ECT* Trento
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286 38123 Villazzano TRENTO (TN)